I first met Ann in 2009 when she joined the flagship class of the Watershed Stewards Academy. At that time, we had no idea the long lasting impact Watershed Stewards would have on the local environment, and we hadn’t really even defined what a Steward was. All of our expectations about what Watershed Stewards could be were blown right out of the water by Ann Jackson.
Ann embodied what it is to be a Watershed Steward. Not only in her “walk the talk” personal example, her action-oriented community leadership, and her patient, steadfast mentoring of dozens of other Watershed Stewards, but, Ann embodied Stewardship most distinctly in the value she placed on the people. We like to say that WSA is where plants and people meet…it's where restoration of the land and waters blends with the communities of people who live, work and gather here. It is the relationship between land and people that makes water clean. Ann truly blended that love of community and love of the environment into one. And, although she was one of the most knowledgeable people around on environmental issues, Ann never made anyone feel as if their questions were silly or their perspective was wrong.
While Ann developed, built or mentored hundreds of projects during just the last 14 years, her true passion was ensuring that these projects were well maintained. Ann co-founded the WSA Maintenance Corps, an action group of Watershed Stewards working to ensure proper maintenance. Rather than simply providing maintenance to projects, Ann and her fellow Maintenance Corps Members worked with communities surrounding projects to build skills and efficacy within those communities to ensure future maintenance. So many projects live on today because of Ann’s hard work and vision.